Jacksonii Ave, Walpole WA 6398
Some circumstances call for a 24 hour plumber to address the problem pronto. While you’re waiting for the emergency plumber to arrive, here are some things you can do to help the situation:
Duct tape is a good temporary fix until a more permanent solution can be implemented, as is teflon tape a good temporary leak sealer.
Have a rubber plunger ready. These work by creating an air vacuum. Plungers are powerful instruments for unclogging drains from sludge, hair balls and other blockages.
Ensure you know where the central water valve is located in order to shut off the water when there's a leak.
Big buckets are also a good thing to have handy. They can be used as a tool container and if there’s a leak, it will catch the water.
Wrenches are a must, which together with a pair of medium slip joint pliers should equip you to handle most jobs.
Hopefully these pointers will be handy until the licensed local plumber you hired arrives. Until then, keep searching for a cheap quote for a plumber near you.
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Based on 3052 reviews of 161 businesses
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The following businesses may not be located in Bow Bridge, WA 6333 but service the area
Plumbers & Gas Fitters
Emergency Plumbing, Gas Fitting, Hot Water System Sales & Service